

2011年4月20日 星期三


放生可獲十種功德 Releasing animals can aquire ten advantages

1.      具大功德力, 早日離開六道輪迴, 往生極樂
         Your soul can leave the transmigration earlier, and able to live in an perfect world after life.
2.      離劫得安, 頑疾因得良醫而得癒
         Can leave the bad luck, e.g. wars, sickness, accidents, and can live in a stable and peaceful  environment.
3.      獲子賢孫孝之報, 子孫或出身榮貴, 或好讀得功,使家族世代興昌
         Will have a good and clever children, or your children will become a famous person and bring honer to your family.
4.      滅宿世之罪, 好運提早降臨
        Can offset the crime made by before, and fasten up the coming time of good luck.
5.      得到處逢緣之報, 貴人明現
         Will be wellcome and favoured by people in the cummunity. Lot of helpers and good friends come to help whenever you need. 
6.      獲聰明之報, 學業不費心神, 成績事半功倍
         Will be more clever, smart and talent. Can get a good result on study and exam easily than before.
7.      獲美好姻緣之報, 獲賢妻美絹相配, 終生相隨左右, 共享快樂
         Can have a good wife or husband, live together happily forever.
8.      獲知命之報, 具洞悉世事之力, 一生憑眼光殊勝而超凡成功
         Will be more successful in career by the ability of forseeing the future.
9.      得生意昌隆之報,客源滾滾不絕
          You business will become more successful, and lot of customers will be attracted by your business.
10.  獲成大貴之報, 人見彼即如見大恩人, 獲守護敬重
        Will become a respective and well-known person. The people in your surrounding always protect you and treat you as their benefactor.
The methos of releasing animals:
*如放巴西龜, 可到附近的公園放生; 可選晚上較少人的時間去放
  Can release some tortoises to the pools in parks. If you feel embarrased, you can release them at mid-night.
*可於旺角金魚街買龜, 價錢由十多元至數十元一隻不等, 可按能力而選購.
  Can buy the tortoises in Mong Kok, it is cheap and affordable.
*於天氣和暖的季節放生, 動物較容易生存
  Please choose a warm season to release because they will have a higher probability to survive.
*小動物有能力躲於石隙間, 絕對有能力存活
 Small animals can still survive through hidden up between the rocks under the water, therefore no need to worry.
*如放其他動物, 或可選: 太子雀仔街的雀鳥, 街市待宰的海鮮(提意於西貢街市買後即放落海最快)
If you want to release other kinds of animals, e.g. Crab or fish which will be killed and cooked by human, you can buy at wet market(e.g. Sai KUng Wet Marker) which located near the sea. You can therefore release them immediately after buying them. 
Pls shorten the time before you release them to the sea to lighten their pain. 
Pls forward this passage in order to help more animals and build a better life for yourself.

