人在愛慾之中,獨生獨死,獨來獨去.這種臨終時的恩愛別離, 一別之後改頭換面, 再遇到時也不認識.
We enjoy our feeling of love when we are alive, but become alone again when we die. We seperate with each other at the moment when we die one day, and we forget each other again in the next life after the transmigration, even though we will meet again in other places, times, conditions, we will not able to remember each other anymore.
要是真正覺悟之後, 知道此事是一埸空.
If you really understand there is nothing more than a dream in this life,
人生如夢, 不過是一場夢而已.
then you really understand the truth and able to wake up soon.
我們平常作夢的時間短, 這個夢的時間比較長一點而已.
The differences between the daily dream we have, is that those dreams are shorter, but the dream of our entire life is a little bit longer.
唯有念''阿彌陀佛''求生西方極樂世界, 這是離開做夢的方法.
The only method to leave, and if you willling to do so..
always think of or call the Buddhist name, ''OR NEI TOR FU''.